Richard Cook has founded and curated the following festivals. This gives Peer Pressure access and exposure to an array of diverse international talent.
Kilkenomics Festival
Kilkenomics is Europe's first festival of economics and comedy. Described as "Davos with Jokes" and "...an utterly bizarre idea". What's clear is that the public love it.
Subtitle European film festival
Subtitle is a week-long festival showcasing a magical array of European Film. There are many guests including Europe's finest casting directors, actors and industry leading lights.
The Cat Laughs Comedy Festival
Why should the best local and the world's finest comedy talent want to converge on Kilkenny in May? You tell us... but they do. White-hot developing acts hone their talent alongside seasoned professionals to create a heady mix of barn-storming comedy. Run the gamut from the sublime to the ridiculous and watch arena veterans perform in converted corrugated iron outhouses at the back of a pub then go and see Orla from the chicken shop do 5 minutes at the Set Theatre. That's what Cat Laughs is all about... and we love it.